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Ham on a platter

Ham Fundraiser To Benefit Local Families

Date and Time: 11/27/2024 3:00 pm

To address food insecurity during the Thanksgiving holiday, we’re offering our annual ham fundraiser in Graves County.

For $45, you can purchase a fully prepared ham or gift it to one of 50 local Graves County families in need.

The ham arrives ready to eat in an insulated container to stay warm, and Graves County ASAP provides sides that can be easily cooked like instant dressing and mashed potatoes.

Our 2023 fundraiser we were able to supply 300 hams locally, raising roughly $3,000 that was donated to furthering special needs education in Calloway County.

Proceeds from the Mayfield fundraiser will be donated to CASA of Graves County, which trains community volunteers for court appointment to advocate for dependent, abused and neglected children.

To reserve a ham please call 270-705-1776 before Wednesday, November 13th.

Orders must be picked up on Wednesday, November 27, at 3:00 p.m. at 100 East College Street, Mayfield.