Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

We are dedicated to making a meaningful difference in our local communities, actively contributing to their well-being. Our unwavering commitment extends to the areas where we reside, conduct business and support.

Written Comments

To date, there are no public comments relating to the community credit needs of Independence Bank to be included in our CRA Public File.

CRA Performance Evaluation

A copy of Independence Bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation.

CRA Performance Evaluation

List of Current Locations

A list of all Independence Bank location and hours information.

Location Information

List of Opened and Closed Locations

All Independence Bank locations that have opened or been closed by the Bank during the last two calendar years.

Open and Closed Locations

Services Offered

Listed below are Independence Bank products and services offered. You’ll find information regarding transactions, fees and additional descriptions of account offerings.

Personal Banking Products
Personal Lending Products
Business Banking Products
Business Lending Products
Hours of Operation

Additional questions regarding transaction fees or cost of services should be directed to one of our Independence Bank locations.

Assessment Areas

A map of each assessment area showing the boundaries of the area and identifying the geographies contained within the area and census tract list.

Assessment Area Map
Census Tract List

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Disclosure Statement

Independence Bank’s CRA Disclosure Statements are made available for review at the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council (FFIEC) website. To view a Disclosure Statement, follow the link below and enter the year you wish to review and the Respondent ID or Institution Name.

Independence Bank’s CRA Disclosure Statements for the last two calendar years.

2023 CRA Disclosure Statement
2022 CRA Disclosure Statement

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice (HMDA)

Independence Bank’s HMDA Disclosure Statement is available online and may be obtained on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) web site listed below.

Independence Bank can provide hard copies of our CRA Public File. Please note, we may charge a fee to cover the expense of copying and mailing. Requests can be sent to customerservice@1776bank.com.