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On Wednesday, Independence Bank distributed hams in what has become an annual Thanksgiving tradition that supports continuing education for special needs adults. The hams were sold for $35 each and were cooked and prepared by bank employees to be reheated and enjoyed with family and friends.

Lindsay Shankle, an employee at Independence Bank, helps coordinate the inaugural Thanksgiving ham benefit. “This is our first year doing it,” Shankle said. “I think we will continue because it’s been very successful.”

In total, they sold 273 hams in McCracken, Calloway, and Graves County, raising $4,200 that will go to support adults with special needs. The bank is partnering with Murray State University to allocate those funds throughout the Purchase. Additionally, 35 hams have been paid for and donated to families in need in Graves County. Connected to the 35 hams, the Graves County Agency for Substance Abuse and Prevention (ASAP) at Graves County and Mayfield Schools went shopping for sides.

“We plan on doing this again next year, so mark your calendars,” Shankle said. “I think our goal may be 400 next year. This was really successful, we’ve had lots of compliments about it, and we love to give back to the community any way we can.”

Originally published by WPSD
Dylan Payne November 23.2023