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Tonya Womack has always loved flowers. She holds close to her heart fond memories of growing annuals and perennials as a young girl in Perm, Russia, and sweet moments spent with her two girls in the daffodil fields of their old Reynolds Station home.

When Tonya got some down time last year, she decided to make a formal foray in the flower world.

After a year of learning the ins and outs, Tonya — alongside her husband Jason — is now helping provide the greater community with freshly cut flowers through their business Flowertown Blooms.

According to Jason, the couple has long dreamed of going into business together. Tonya came up with the idea of flowers, and the couple went from there.

“We were just really getting our feet wet and trying to figure out which varieties we were going to grow,” Tonya said. “We had a great local response.”

That local response included the Womack’s flowers being sold at Niko’s Bakery and partnerships with local florists.

“They were very excited to see flowers that were grown locally,” Tonya said. “It just encouraged us to continue. This year we’ve more than doubled in our production, if not tripled.”

According to the Womacks, production is a year-round process that starts as early as December with cold-loving plants and requires 1-2 hours a day to maintain.

This year, the Womacks picked up more outlets to sell their flowers, including the Owensboro Regional Farmers’ Market.

“Our response at the markets has been great – we hardly ever bring flowers back” Tonya said. “People love fresh flowers – there is something about flowers that just makes people smile.”

While Jason was hesitant at first, he has grown to love the business, citing interactions at the market as one of the reasons why.
“We’ve had opportunities to pray with people, we’ve had opportunities to get to hear a little bit of people’s stories,” Jason said. “It’s more than just about the sales, it’s about meeting people.”

The Womacks said that one of their favorite parts of the market is giving out free flowers to kids.

“Boys or girls, it doesn’t matter,” Tonya said. “They all love picking out a flower, and you never know what they’re gonna go for. Some go for a bright color, and some will go for something more obscure.”

While Tonya would personally choose a zinnia out of the bucket and Jason would choose a sunflower, the Womacks highlight the beauty that every flower offers.

“The closer I look at the detail of any flower it blows me away,” Jason said. “God created such detail — such intricate, artistic detail — and that’s what amazes me about it. It’s easy for me to say I like this flower over that flower, but when you start studying them they each have their own beauty.”

Originally published in Owensboro Times
Presented by Independence Bank
Kharley Redmon
July 15, 2023