Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Helping your business grow is our business. Whether you’re part of a small or large business, Independence Bank has the products, experience and most importantly, people to set your business up for success.

Our Bank has been around since 1906 and serving in Bowling Green since 2006. Our mission is simple but impactful. We aim to always provide “Everyday Excellence.” We strive to elevate the quality of life in Warren County. In the office, our people provide personalized attention and enjoy the process of getting to know our customers, their families and particular financial needs. The “IB family” selflessly volunteers our time and service, which we call “Local Love,” to enhance the lives of those around us.
Led by President Brad Howard, our Commercial Lending Team has years of experience helping Bowling Green businesses achieve their goals. Seasoned Commercial Loan Officers Brent Austin, Scott Thornhill, Joy Hunt, Travis Keller and Kelly Jackson are helping multi-million dollar commercial projects along, while also serving smaller local business needs.
Spanning 15 counties across Kentucky, our Bank is large enough to allow us to be flexible on lending capabilities. We are a regional community bank, with assets of $3.6 billion, but offer local lending decisions. We are also equipped with treasury management products and services to ensure your business runs smoothly so you can focus on what’s most important – running your business.

Our commitment to this community is being Here For Good. With $1.8 million dollars reinvested last year alone, a significant portion went to western Kentucky tornado relief. The outpouring of compassion to help all affected was extraordinary across Bowling Green and working across the community with other businesses and individuals was inspiring. Helping those in need is part of our philosophy, we are here to serve others. Independence Bank is Here For Good.

With two locations on Scottsville Road and Fairview Avenue, we encourage you to stop in to see us today. Or, visit the Revolution online anytime at 1776bank.com.

Originally published in VIP Magazine, June/July